3 Ways to Keep Your Employees Engaged | Franchise Strategy Partners
If you aren’t actively trying to keep your employees engaged already, you should be. Studies show that upwards of 85% of employees are actively disengaged in their current workplace. But what does this mean for a small business owner?
Employees who are not being engaged tend to be less productive in the workplace. There also tends to be higher turnover, a lower retention rate and poor employee morale in these types of workplaces.
In short, not encouraging engagement with employees can hinder your business, hurt your brand’s reputation and cost you a lot of money.
Fortunately, there are many ways you can strive to keep your employees more engaged and happier in the workplace!
1. Create the Right Environment
As a franchisee, you may not always have a say in the setup or layout of your business, but you can work to create a welcoming, positive environment for your employees.
Easy ways to do this include demonstrating a positive attitude, recognizing accomplishments and having the necessary equipment available at all times. Helping employees have a better work-life balance is another way to create an environment that individuals would like to spend their workdays in.
2. Professional Growth Opportunities
When it is time to fill a position, do you post a job online or hire from within? Making it known that employees have the room for professional growth within your business encourages them to work harder within the company.
If the opportunity for a new, higher up position becomes available, there should be an adequate opportunity for current employees to put in an application. Let the candidates have a fair shot at the position. It is never a good feeling to be passed up for a job you believe you’re qualified for!
3. Employees Are People, Too
It’s easy to get caught up in the business side of, well, your business. There are so many meetings to attend, goals to reach and tasks to complete. But it’s important to remember what (or rather, who) is making your franchise function and succeed on a day-to-day basis.
Your staff members are, first and foremost, people. Yes, they are the strategists, managers and other important personnel that drive your company, but they are human.
They require understanding, compassion and encouragement that every person desires in the workplace. Empowering your employees can improve motivation and productivity, which benefits your business in the long run.
Keeping your employees engaged is something you should always strive to do! It’ll help reduce onboarding costs and improve overall employee morale within the workplace.
Get in touch today to get the support you need to build your business!